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Angular Edit Modal

Angular 9 – Edit Modal NgBootstrap

In this part of tutorial, I’ll show you haw to make edit user in Popup / Modal. We will use NgBootsrap . Install NgBootstrap Here is a list of minimal required versions of Angular and Bootstrap CSS for ng-bootstrap: ng-bootstrap Angular Bootstrap CSS 1.x.x 5.0.2 4.0.0 2.x.x 6.0.0 4.0.0 3.x.x 6.1.0 4.0.0 4.x.x 7.0.0 4.0.0 5.x.x 8.0.0 4.3.1 6.x.x […]

Angular Users Grid

Angular 8 – Asp.net core – Users Grid with Edit and Delete actions

In this part of tutorial, I’ll show you haw to make users Grid with Edit and Delete actions. User Grid Let’s navigate to Bootstrap site web and search Table style. You can find it via this link. In the manage-users.component.html created in the last tutorial “Angular 8 – Using Guard” and past this html code. […]

Deploy Angular 8 App From Visual Studio Code to Azure

This article will demonstrate how to host Angular 8 application on Azure Cloud. You will need, in this tutorial Visual Studio Code and Free subscription on Microsoft Cloud Azure. Set up new App Service on Azure First of all, let’s create an new App Service called “DemoAngular8″. In your home page in azure portal, at […]

Angular 8 – ASP.Net Core Tutorial part 6 Bearer Authentication

In this part of tutorial, we will see together, how to make Bearer authentication. What’s Bearer Authentication Bearer authentication (also called token authentication) is an HTTP authentication scheme that involves security tokens called bearer tokens. The name “Bearer authentication” can be understood as “give access to the bearer of this token.” The bearer token is a cryptic string, usually […]

Angular 8 Login Form

Angular 8 with ASP.Net Core Tutorial part 5 Login Form

In this part of Tutorial, we will learn how to make: Login Form. Email and Password Validations. Login action Web API You can find the code source on GitHub:– Web API: https://github.com/AlphaTechstudios/Forms.WebAPI/tree/angular_tuto_part_5– Angular: https://github.com/AlphaTechstudios/Forms/tree/Angular_tuto_part_5 Add Login Form Last time, we have already created the sign-in component. Let’s navigate to sign-in.component.html and add 2 fields for […]

Angular 8 with ASP.Net Core Tutorial part 2 Web API

Creation Web API solution First of All, we need to create a new .NET Core application project witch called “Forms.WebAPI”. After that, we add the different concerns in this solution: In this videos, you will learn how to:  Create Asp.NET Core web API.  Entity Framework Code First.  Using Swagger framework. GitHub code  BLL (Solution Folder) […]